Early Childhood Services - Community Preschool Education (CPE)

Our CPE program offers services for preschool aged children by providing support in the community site of your choice (daycare or preschool). Our program is funded by Alberta Education Program Unit Funding (PUF). Children with diagnosed developmental delays, disorders, and medical diagnoses that impact their ability to successfully participate in their classroom and community settings may be eligible for services.

We come to you: Our team of professionals provides support in the community setting of your choice: a preschool or your child's daycare - we can work in most community daycares or preschools in Edmonton and surrounding areas.

Family-centered program: Parents and families are the keys to a child's success! We offer Family Support Services for the whole family and our team works together with you to fully develop your child's potential. 

Application & Assessment Process



  • Our 2025-2026 program serves children with birthdays between September 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022, who will not be attending Kindergarten in September 2025.

  • Your child must be registered in a community daycare or preschool program by September 2025 in order to receive services. Alberta Education does not permit us to provide services in day homes.

  • Children who are eligible must meet Program Unit Funding criteria as set by Alberta Education.

  • We require a copy of the child’s birth certificate and a copy of their diagnosis and assessment to ensure that they meet PUF criteria.

*Unfortunately Community Options is unable to provide supports in kindergarten classrooms. Please speak to your child’s school about available supports.

As PUF services are provided through Alberta Education, services follow the school year calendar. Children receive services from September to June. Our program does not operate on statutory holidays, winter break or spring break.

Learning Team

Using a multidisciplinary learning team, our Community Options Community Preschool Education (CPE) program strives to promote maximum skill development of children within their community setting. 

Our Team includes: Certified Coordinating Teachers, Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Family Support Workers, Developmental Supports Assistants, Therapy Assistants, Speech and Language Assistants, and other supports depending on the child’s need.

Tailored to Your Child

We will work together with you to create an Individual Program Plan (IPP) that will cater to your child's specific needs at their daycare or preschool program of your choice. 

Our team will visit your child in their program on a regular basis to work towards achieving the goals developed with you for their IPP.

At the end of the school year, our team will also work closely with you to guide you through available educational options and facilitate a smooth transition to your child’s next school.

Parent Testimonial:

“Community Options has been wonderful to work with! My child is supported with his severe speech delay by a team of people who have each been responsive and positive. He has made huge gains this year and enjoys the activities they engage him in to meet his goals. The team has been proactive in ensuring appropriate support continues as he transitions into kindergarten in the fall and we are much appreciative of having this wrap-around support during these early years.”

Application and Assessment Process

Step 1: Application

Click here to complete the application form online. If you prefer to complete a paper copy, you can print one out here.

The application form will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, and requires you to submit information about:

  • Personal and contact information for your child and family

  • Program that your child will attend

  • Any previous assessments your child has completed

  • Languages spoken in your home

  • What concerns you have about your child’s development

Translation and interpretation services are available if needed to guide you through the application process. Feel free to contact our staff for any assistance with the application form at ecs@communityoptions.ab.ca or phone at 780-455-1818.

Step 2: Determination of Eligibility

Once we receive your application form, a member of our assessment team will be in touch with you about next steps. This may include:

  • Obtaining additional documentation if your child has seen other health professionals

  • Asking you to complete the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQs) as a screening measure

  • Completing an assessment with your child

This information is gathered to determine whether your child is eligible for PUF services through Alberta Education.

Step 3: Registration:

If we determine your child is eligible for PUF services, we will contact you to complete a registration form. Registering with us means that you are choosing Community Options as your PUF provider. In order to complete your registration:

  • You must complete the registration form we send you (online or paper copy available)

  • Your child must be registered in a licensed daycare or preschool in September 2025

  • You must provide a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate

You will then receive confirmation of your registration. You will receive information from your child’s learning team in early September about the provision of services for the school year.

We are so excited to announce that we have teamed up with the YMCA of Northern Alberta!

Our supports will be available in YMCA Child Care Centres across Edmonton, giving all children a chance to make friends, learn about themselves and about the world around them.

These supports consist of our multidisciplinary team of Developmental Supports Assistants, Coordinating Teachers, and Therapists to help every child reach their full potential.

Want more information about our Community Preschool Education program?

Fill out the form on this page to learn more about our Community Preschool Education (CPE) Program. Our team will get back to you as soon as we can!